http://www.meier-audio.homepage.t-onlin ... ifiers.htm

版主: aeolusyung, zhang230631, suzumiyaminami
Dear Headfellows,
Various people have send me a mail for information on the new Concerto. Therefore a short synopsis.
Basically the CONCERTO is a SYMPHONY without the DAC section. However, some changes to the amplification section have been made.
- Instead of the LM6171 of the SYMPHONY the CONCERTO will use AD797 opamps.
- The CONCERTO uses a discrete volume control with a total of 64 positions (32 steps on the SYMPHONY). Typical step-size is around 0.7 dB. This gives a very smooth analog-like feeling.
- The CONCERTO has one pair of RCA-inputs and only one headphone output.
- The crossfeed filter has been slightly improved on.
The enclosure (two colors, black and silver) will be very similar to that of the STAGEDAC. Also prices will be comparible.
I hope that the amp will be available in February.
Currently the manufacturer is working on prototypes. Pictures and technical info will be put on my website as soon as these prototypes are available.
wenhung1981 寫:STAGEDAC+CONCERTO=Symphony
darkavatar1470 寫:wenhung1981 寫:STAGEDAC+CONCERTO=Symphony
據說 STAGEDAC 的 DAC 比 Symphony 好很多,
而這次 CONCERTO 耳擴也有小改款?
應該不只是 LM6171 換成 AD797 而已吧?
garth60326 寫:darkavatar1470 寫:wenhung1981 寫:STAGEDAC+CONCERTO=Symphony
據說 STAGEDAC 的 DAC 比 Symphony 好很多,
而這次 CONCERTO 耳擴也有小改款?
應該不只是 LM6171 換成 AD797 而已吧?
另外使用了兩顆WM8741 in dual-mono mode,小弟不知道Syphony是不是這樣設計,如不是的話那STAGEDAC肯定不只是Symphony的DAC線路clone出來以後稍做修改的粗製商品,畢竟做此改變前後端線路也得再費心設計,而且WM8741這顆晶片規格蠻強大,小弟一直很有興趣,可惜除了STAGEDAC外目前小弟知道採用這顆晶片的廠製DAC就只有Linn的天價器材…小弟實在供養不起。
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