jgpns 寫:Kaotic 寫:jgpns 寫:IPT Ⅲ有這麼差嗎?想買的慾望都沒了
depends on what your priority is?
remember this thread is about '[詢問]打算衝一台高檔的MP4' not mp3, not something to play your music with. or music playing is not the highest priority in his search.
last time I check, sony's PCM-D50 CAN'T play anything with .mp4
now compare IPT3 with any Korean made mp3 players, sorry, they aren't even a IPT3 competitors, since most Korean mp3 players has no Wi-Fi, no web browser. and closest to IPT3 competitor is Zune HD, cause it has wi-fi and web browser, although, Sony's X-series has wi-fi and web browser, but those features are laughable compare to IPT3.
so if you want a MP4 player with wi-fi, and web browser and a PDA + crap loads of Apps, IPT3 is your best bet. no other players comes even close.

