看來這一次 MS 是要槓上 APPLE 了

Zune HD 最主要沒辦法在亞洲普遍的因素在於沒有支援中文及日文操作介面,不過搭載的 Tegra 處理器讓顯示速度更流暢,


版主: aeolusyung, zhang230631, suzumiyaminami
froceLU 寫:我想選 Zii egg...XD
leo0705 寫:我選Zune
ws804 寫:這是團購預告嗎XD?
犬爸 寫:詳細介紹可以等 9/15 上市時官網應該就會將 SPEC 規格表放上了
現在 Zune 操作及支援、流暢度因為都還沒有太多的測試所以不很明朗
before you think about getting one.....
according to some preliminary hands-on reports...
there is no Unicode support, so unless all you music in your music library is all in English, then you would have no problem. but if you have songs in Chinese (ID3 tagged also in either Chinese or any other than English, Spanish) you are going to have problems displaying them correctly.
then there is no Divx/Xvid support, but this will only affect people who want to play videos on their players.
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