Hey guys I am reporting back from my day of listening. Let me start with WOW. I can simply not find anything to attack on the headphones. Highs just extend higher then any iem I have heard to date. I am not sure if this is due to the double drivers or the new generation. May be both or mainly one or the other, but either way combined it leads to wicked nice treble with no sibilance at all. The mids are luscious and involving! The main example of this is when I listened to "heaven" by Los Lonely Boys the guitar just jumps out and I have never heard such an accurate reproduction of guitar outside of speakers, as well as the vocals. They are like the singer is right in the room for you and you can hear every little piece of emotion and passion in the vocals. Obviously breaths among other minute details can be heard. Bass is detailed and extends very low. When listening to "Hotel California" (live edition from the hell freezes over album) for the first time at the beginning when the percussionist was hitting two different drums (as you can see if you ever watch the concert) I can hear the distinct different timbre given by each one which was never able to be expressed in any universal can I have used. Sound stage is just sheerly incredible. Everything is in the right place and instrument separation is apparent and easy to admire. That being said I feel that the jh-13 pro's have a very flat and accurate sound signature. They seem to accurately reproduce any piece the way it was originally recorded making me think of UE's coined term (Music the way it was meant to be heard). Hope you guys enjoy your pro's! In my opinion really something to behold.
