bigbite 寫:不知道為什麼覺得看起來很像山寨版的 XDDD
但我還蠻喜歡就是了chiliho718 寫:話說,國外分享的聽感是很不像Grado
"Wooden housing with an outer metal case.
Sounds more neutral than the rs1.
The sound is very unGrado. A baby ps1000 is a fairly accurate statement. "
"Nope. Not a bit. The rs1 I was comparing it to is more fatigueing.
The hf2 sound more balanced. Listening to jimmy eat world,
the rs1 emphasized the guitar to the point it was overwhelming
the other instruments. The hf2 present all the instruments more equally.
It also had a larger sound stage compared to the rs1.
I'm trying them on another setup at can jam now.
If you were worried the bass is lacking as in the sr125, don't be.
The baseline is present. "