根據 Jan Meier 在 head-fi 的貼文: ... dex27.html
The SYMPHONY amplifiers that are currently being sold are therefore modified by adding a small PCB between coaxial input and the receiver chip that contains another S/PDIF receiver chip, this time the WM8004 made by Wolfson. Experiments have shown that this chip is much more resistant to interruptions of the S/PDIF input stream and is able to "restore" most of the missing contents. This solves at least 90% of all the interruptions caused by the DIR9001.
People who still have the old version of the SYMPHONY and do suffer from those problems at the coaxial S/PDIF input should contact me. It is possible to have your amp updated on warranty.
小改版的 Symphony 改善了同軸 S/PDIF 受 noise 干擾的問題.
希望音悅能幫大家改版啊 ~
另外 Corda 推出了自己的 STAGEDAC :

除了與 SYMPHONY 上看到的 DSP/Sample rate 選項外 ,
crossfeed 改用了新的架構, 更能模擬喇叭的聽感.
除此之外 , Meier-Audio 還賣起 HD800 來了...

A few years ago we decided to concentrate our sales on our own amplifiers and stopped selling headphones. However, this new HD-800 is such an outstanding device that we readily make an exception. This phone will soon be available in our demonstration room and we invite everybody to take a listen. Please do not hesitate to contact us when interested in this state-of-the-art phone.
看來 Jan 對 Symphony 推 HD800 應該還蠻自豪的. 想這波搭順風車 ~